Write 7-10 Articles for Each New Website you Start

The first thing that you want to do is to get on the radar of Google and other search engines so they know that this is a relevant site and worthy to crawl the pages you have just put up. You would be surprised how quickly this can happen if you are writing good content.
To begin with you should right about 7-10 good content and long tail key word rich articles that are at least 300 words or more. Focus on the main keywords for your site. There is even new evidence that you should be writing articles that are 750 words or more.
Here are some ideas on articles you can write to help hit your goal. Do this as soon as possible because it will help you get a jump start on getting new and ongoing traffic to your site. If you write 7-10 articles you should see a very positive response very quickly with the search engines.
Write a Combination of 7-10 Articles Using These Ideas
- Write how to articles, tips and tricks, or the best of something as compared with other items in a side by side comparison. People love product or service reviews. Especially if they are filled with great information that the user wants.
- Top 10 mover and shakers in your industry or niche along with a bio of their work. If you can get an interview with them that would add a ton of credibility to the article.
- A video compilation with introductions of each video, you can grab these videos from video hosting sites like Vimeo and YouTube. You will need to do the video on the site to adhere to copyright standards and their programs will easily let you compile a video choosing from relevant videos from within the sites.
- Do Product or Service spotlights on your company. Focus on how your product or service can help or benefit others and not just sell the product or service.
- Interviews with relevant people that you admire, find interesting, or have something to say.
- Top 10 or (insert your own number here) of whatever is relevant to your market niche. People still love lists and this is probably the content that gets noticed the most. It seems the more controversial a list is, or the higher the shock value the more successful the list can be.
- Commentaries on articles and posts from others who are in your industry. Just pick an article that has already been written and write a commentary or response to it. Try to make it as original as possible and not merely a way to copy content word for word. Google is way to smart for that.
- Try Public Service Announcements which you can get from various sites as free and useable content. These not only can help your audience but they serve as just that, a way to give back to the community.
Lend your expertise to these articles. Write about what you love and know about. Make sure the grammar and spelling is correct. But most of all let your voice come through and your passion show through your writing, in other words write things as YOU!
DON’T SKIP, SCRIMP, OR TRIVIALIZE this STEP. As you get further down into the marketing setup of your site you will realize that a good traffic generating site will have over 100 well written articles. So learn to write GREAT, relevant articles.